Mary’s Home

on the West Side of Detroit

“It is written. One does not live by bread alone.”
- Luke 4:4

1st Sunday of Lent
Sunday March 9, 2025

  • Liturgy of the Word/C

    Sunday March 9, 2025

    First Reading
    Deuteronomy 26:4-10

    Responsorial Psalm
    91:1-2, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15

    Second Reading
    Romans 10:8-13

    Luke 4:1-13

  • Gospel Reflection

    Today, in St. Luke’s Gospel, Jesus reacts to one of Satan’s
    temptations in the desert, professing: It is written: You shall
    worship the Lord, your God, and Him alone shall you serve.

    The evangelist St. Paul, in his Letter to the Roman community, urges them, and us, to believe Jesus is Lord.

    In the Book of Deuteronomy, Moses, in a spirit of gratitude, offers the harvest’s first fruits to the priest.

    The Lord invites Christian stewards to return to Him our “first fruits” in prayer, service, and generosity.

    Contribute to your parish food pantry or spend time at a local soup kitchen as a gift of your stewardship to those in need.

  • Prayer of the Week

    O gracious Master, infuse in our hearts the spotless light of Your
    Divine Wisdom and open the eyes of our mind that we may
    understand the teachings of Your Gospel.

    Instill in us also the fear of Your blessed commandments, so that having curbed all carnal desires, we may lead a spiritual life, both thinking and doing
    everything to please You.

    For You, O Christ, our God, are the
    enlightenment of our souls and bodies; and to You we render glory, together with Your eternal Father, and with Your all holy, life-creating Spirit, now and ever, and forever.   Amen


  • Thoughts of the Saints

    “Apart from the cross, there is no other ladder by which we may go to heaven.”

    -Saint Rose of Lima

  • This Weekend

    Friday March 7
    7:30 am Mass
    6:00 pm Stations of the Cross
    6:30 pm Soup and Bread Meal

    Saturday March 8
    9:00 am Mass
    9:45 am Confession
    10:00 am SVdP Mtg
    10:00 am Men’s Group

  • Week At-A-Glance

    Monday March 10
    Parish Office Open: 1pm-5pm
    No Daily Mass or Confession

    Tuesday March 11
    Parish Office Open: 1pm-5pm
    6:00 pm Mass

    Wednesday March 12
    Parish Office Open: 1pm-5pm
    No Daily Mass or Confessin

    Thursday March 13
    Parish Office Open: 1pm-5pm
    No Daily Mass or Confession

    Friday March 14
    Parish Office Closed
    No Daily Mass or Confession

    Saturday March 15
    Parish Office Closed
    No Daily Mass or Confession
    No Men’s Group

    Sunday March 16
    Parish Office Closed
    11:00 am: Healing Mass
    12:00 pm Sunday School
    4:15 pm Confession
    5:00 pm Mass (Latin High)

  • 2025 Lent/Easter Schedule

    Ash Wednesday March 5
    11:00 am Mass
    6:00 pm Mass (Latin High)

    Stations of the Cross
    Friday March 7:   6:00 pm*
    Friday April 11:    6:00 pm*
    Friday April 18:    11:00 am
    (On Grand River)
    *Soup and Bread Meal Fellowship

    Healing Mass/Anointing of Sick
    Sunday March 16:  11:00 am Mass

    Palm Sunday:  April 13
    11:00 am Mass
    5:00 pm Mass (Latin High)

    Lenten Penance Service
    Tuesday April 15:  6:00 pm

    Holy Thursday:  April 17
    6:00 pm:  Mass of the Lord’s Supper
    7:30 pm—Midnight:  Nightwatch

    Good Friday:  April 18
    11:00 am:  Stations of the Cross
    (On Grand River)
    1:00 pm:    Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion

    Holy Saturday:  April 19
    8:00 pm:  Easter Vigil Mass

    Easter Sunday:  April 20
    11:00 am:  Easter Mass



Make a donation.

Donations are used for the day-to-day operation of the parish and its programs. You may set up a one-time or recurring donation to our parish. Saint Mary of Redford parish appreciates your generosity.