Interested in Becoming Catholic?

Are you hearing Christ calling you to follow Him into the Catholic Church? We want to help. St. Mary of Redford offers instructions in the Catholic faith. This program by which one becomes Catholic is called the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) and it culminates in full reception into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil Mass.

If you are interested or have questions, please contact Christopher Ruffing - Director of Discipleship Formation -

Resources - This website was put together by a convert to the faith and addresses common questions and concerns those considering coming into the Church are likely to have.

How to Become a Catholic - A tract by Catholic Answers on the process for becoming Catholic. Catholic Answers is a good resources that can field most questions you might have about the Catholic faith.

Baltimore Catechism - This was the Catechism used to teach most American Catholics in the early part of the 20th century. It poses clear questions and answers and gives a good foundation for understanding Catholic beliefs.

Catechism of the Catholic Church - The official teachings of the Catholic Church. Most everything you could want to know about what Catholics believe is contained in here. This can be read from cover to cover, although it is best used as a reference, looking up the particular topic you’re interested in using the index.

The Bible - The Catholic faith is grounded in scripture. To begin getting to know Jesus, consider reading one of the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John) and Acts of the Apostles. Everything in the Bible is worth reading, but the New Testament can be a useful starting point.

Catholicism Series

Bishop Robert Barron put together a ten part video series that forms an excellent introduction to the Catholic Church. He has made the sixth video on the Church available for free. Other material from Bishop Barron including homilies and online videos can be accessed at the Word on Fire Institute.