Request to have Communion brought to your home

If for some reason you are unable to frequent the sacraments and need Holy Communion brought to you or need a priest to hear your confession, please let us know. Currently communion calls are being scheduled on Thursdays by appointment. Please fill out the form to the right and we will be in touch shortly about scheduling a time.

Please note: this is for regularly scheduled communion calls. If the sacraments are required outside those scheduled times, please call the parish office at (313) 273-1100. If you are admitted to the hospital and need the sacraments, Catholic chaplains are assigned there and will be able to respond more quickly than we will. Simply let the hospital staff know that you are a Catholic and are in need of a priest.

How does a Communion Call work? What do I have to do?

The priest or brother will or will come to your door wearing a mask and will have the Blessed Sacrament on his person. To prepare for the communion call, please prepare a small table before the priest or brother arrives. It should have a white cloth, two candles (electric are fine as well), and a crucifix.

When the priest or brother arrives, he will bring the Blessed Sacrament to the place prepared and place the pyx on the white table cloth. If the priest is the one who comes, he will also ask if you want to go to confession. If you wish to go to confession, please have a place designated where that may be done.

Following confession, the communion service begins. The parts of the communion service are similar to communion at Mass. There will be an opening greeting, the penitential act (I confess to Almighty God…), and the Our Father. The priest or brother will hold up the Blessed Sacrament and say, “Behold the Lamb of God…” to which you respond, “O Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.” The priest or brother then gives you communion saying, “The Body of Christ” to which you respond, “Amen.”

After receiving communion, there will be a short time of silence during which you are free to speak to Jesus who has just come to you in the Eucharist. Following this period of silence, the priest or brother will offer the closing prayer and, if it is the priest who comes, the final blessing.

Communion calls usually last between 10-15 minutes. Please contact us if you have any further questions. We are happy to help.