If you are visiting this page because someone you love has recently died, we want to offer our sincere condolences. The death of a loved one is always difficult. Please know of our prayers for you and for your family.
A funeral is an opportunity to invite God’s grace into this dark time. We do this for two reasons:
The souls of the dead need God’s grace.
Catholics believe that the souls of the dead benefit from our prayers. Therefore, we offer the funeral Mass for them. If they are in purgatory, our prayers and the sacrifice of the Mass can be offered to speed up their entry into Heaven.
We need God’s grace.
Our darkest moments (such as times of grief) are where we need God most. In the Mass, Jesus descends from Heaven to earth to become present to us in the Eucharist. When we’re struggling, He offers us His love, His grace of healing, and the strength we need to continue on.
Please scroll below for more information on planning a funeral Mass at St. Mary of Redford. For information on what a Catholic funeral is, please see the webpage of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Planning a Funeral Liturgy
When a loved one dies, there are a lot of things happening at once. Planning the funeral can be a graced experience but it can also be overwhelming with everything else that is going on. We have tried to make the process as simple as possible and have provided you with everything you need on this website. Here are the steps you will want to follow:
Call the church to arrange a date for the funeral. The contact information is available at the bottom of this page.
Choose readings for the funeral Mass. Options for readings may be found here:
Choose music for the Mass. Options for music may be found here:
Fill out the form to the right with your choice of readings and music for the funeral Mass.
Ask family and friends if they would be willing to be pall bearers if there is a casket.
If a member of the family would like to offer a eulogy for the deceased, we encourage them to do so at the funeral home the night before.
Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows at St. Mary of Redford
Is there anything else I can do for my deceased loved one?
Helplessness is a common feeling during a time of loss. We often feel like there is nothing we can do to help the person we have lost or that we will never know their help for us again. Catholics believe that love transcends the divide between Heaven and earth. Our prayers for them can help them reach Heaven more quickly and their prayers for us will be more loudly heard, the closer they get to God. Here are some things Catholics traditionally have done for the deceased.
Have Masses offered for them - The funeral Mass does not have to be the only Mass offered for your loved. Please contact the parish office if you would like other Masses said.
Light a candle for them - You will notice there are votive candles in front of the St. Luke, St. Joseph, Sacred Heart, and Mary altars at St. Mary of Redford. Catholics will often light a candle and say a prayer for the soul of their loved ones. That candle remains lit even after they finish their prayer as a reminder to that saint (or if at the Sacred Heart altar, to Jesus) of the intention you entrusted to them.
Ask them to pray for you - Just as we ask people on earth to pray for us, we can ask our deceased loved ones to pray for us too. If they are in purgatory, one day they will get to Heaven. They will be closer to God than we are and their prayers for us will be powerful. So don’t hesitate to ask them for prayers now. Even though they may need your prayers, they can still pray for you.
Pray for their soul - There are short prayers you can say for the souls of the deceased frequently. One of the most common is this: “May the divine assistance be always with us and may the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.”
Prayer for the Souls in Purgatory
Have mercy, O gentle Jesus, on the souls detained in Purgatory. Thou who for their ransom didst take upon Thyself our human nature and suffered the most cruel death, pity their sighs and the tears they shed when they raise their longing eyes toward Thee, and by virtue of Thy Passion cancel the penalty due to their sins. May Thy Blood, O tender Jesus, Thy Precious Blood, descend into Purgatory to solace and refresh those who there languish in captivity! Reach forth Thy hand to them, and lead them into the realms of refreshment, light and peace. Amen.
My God, Thou hast taken from me those very dear to me in this world. Vouchsafe Thyself to supply the place of all in my regard and to replace them in my heart. They deserved my attachment. I was devoted to them, and I hoped to enjoy their love and assistance much longer. Thou has disposed otherwise. May Thy Holy Will be accomplished! The great consolation which I have in their loss, is the hope that Thou hast received them into the bosom of Thy mercy, and that Thou wilt vouchsafe one day to unite me to them. If a deficiency of satisfaction for their sins detains them in suffering, I offer Thee for their intention, all my prayers and good works, and above all my resignation in the loss which I have experienced. Render this resignation complete and worthy of Thee. Amen.
Contact us.
Parish Office: (313) 273-1100
Our office is staffed Monday through Thursday from 9 AM to 1 PM. If you require a response outside of those times, please use the form to the right.