“You have to give the faith” - Homily August 23rd, 2020 at the 11 AM Mass
“Brothers and Sisters, I hope that something is happening to you. We’re low. 2020 is a year of plagues, and pestilence, and government controls, and a whole lot of crazy that I can’t even get my mind around. But we’re Christians and we’re the leaven of this society. No matter how small we are, no matter how little, no matter whether we’re the mustard seeds or the yeast, we’re going to produce some leaven in this society in hopes that Christ can make it better. Why? To save souls. Eternal life. It’s either heaven or it’s hell. No in between. Everything is at stake. Time to wake up. Time release the power that’s on the inside of you. Time to accept the authority. Time to take responsibility. And do it first in your homes for love of your family. Do it first in your friend groups for love of your friends. ...I believe if we do this, if we say yes, then things can change.”
“You Belong to Christ!” - Confirmation Homily 2020
“The Roman Catholic Church is the community that Jesus established to worship God the right way and to teach people how to live in a way that pleases God…It is essential that you commit yourself to this community, imperfect though it may be. Many young people today are starving for community. Suicide rates are rising each year because so many young people feel unloved and have no meaning. When you walk into a Church, it proclaims, “God loves you!” and “You belong here!” Yes, no matter how much we betray God by our sins, He still loves us and we still belong. That is why we can have so much hope in life. Thus, the Church gives us hope. It is a place that we can commit to and always return to.” - Fr. Athanasius, August 9th, 2020
Homily 6/14/2020
11am Corpus Christi
Fr. Athanasius Fornwalt, FHS preaches on The Holy Eucharist.
Homily 6/7/2020
Trinity Sunday
Dcn. Ryan Eggenberger preaches on the Trinity.
Homily 6/6/2020
Saturday of Pentecost
Fr. Athanasius Fornwalt, FHS preaches on Pentecost: Believe That You Have Received the Grace of the Holy Spirit.
Homily 5/30/2020
Pentecost Vigil
Fr. Athanasius Fornwalt, FHS preaches on Human Nature and the Three Theological Virtues.